40 Deck Skirting Ideas – Lattice, Alternatives and DIY Designs

The cheapest way to build a skirt around your deck is to DIY it! These 40 deck skirting ideas should help you find solutions on how to enclose a space under an outdoor deck, a stair, or a front porch.

There are two primary options for skirting around a deck: lattice and lattice alternatives. Traditionally, lattice for deck skirting has been the most common, the most affordable, and the easiest to install option for homeowners and DIY-ers.

Lattice deck skirting will work best whether you need to keep animals out or for decorative designs.

Lattice alternatives for deck skirting may include but are not limited to wood planks, faux stone, galvanized metal, plastic decorative screens, composite wood, and even expandable trellis.

Deck skirting ideas

Also, there are specific solutions for protection from animals.

In this guide, we discuss different types of deck skirting that are great for cheap and inexpensive designs, DIY ideas, as well as for high-end installations.

To skirt a deck, you can choose from horizontal or vertical designs, depending on the height and length of your under deck space.

With higher or elevated decks, or if you have a tall staircase, you can dedicate some underdeck space to storage and incorporate a small access door or a large gate.

You can choose to go with modern or rustic skirt designs to better match your house architecture style.

You can frame your skirt or leave it unframed.

The same ideas apply to both the front porch and backyard deck.

Finally, deck skirting adds a decorative element to your house.

If you’re proficient in DIY, you can create some unique and creative skirting designs using the latest lattice or other decorative panels available on the market today. And we’ve included helpful lattice cutting and installation tips, to get you started immediatelly.

Let’s see some photos and design ideas for all of the options mentioned above.

Lattice Deck Skirting Ideas

Jump to design ideas right away, or first learn about the different types of lattice and a few tips on creating and installing latticework.

The first step in determining the best skirting you want for your outdoor deck or porch is understanding what you need it to do. Do you want to conceal the unsightly space below your wood deck? Do you need under deck lattice ideas to keep animals from sneaking in? Do you want additional storage? Do you want creative ideas to enhance the look of your exterior deck? The answers to each of these questions will steer you towards the design to meet your needs.

Lattice deck skirting is easy to build using lattice panels.


Lattice Panels (for Deck Skirting)

Lattice comes in panels. Traditional lattice for deck skirting is available in these three materials:

  • Wood (usually a Pressure Treated Spruce or another wood)
  • Plastic (Vinyl PVC or HDPE)
  • Aluminum

I would recommend the plastic lattice, as it is more durable. Wood panels cost only slightly less and in some cases even more. At home improvement stores, the ready-made lattice is typically found in panel sizes of 2′ by 8′ or 4′ by 8′. Direct selling manufacturers offer all kinds of sizes including custom sizing. The panels come framed and unframed. To make your own DIY framing, cap and divider moldings are also available specifically for lattice panels.

There are two design patterns to choose from:

  • Diamond Cell Lattice
  • Square Cell Lattice

Square cell panels are commonly used to accomplish more modern deck skirting ideas, while diamond cells are perfect for more rustic designs.

The laths, or the crossing boards that form a lattice, range from 7/32″ thick to 1/2″ and 1/2″ to 2″ wide. The gaps between the laths can vary based on the intended use and desired style. Commonly, the gaps between laths are even, but offsetting laths can create unique designs. A smaller cell lattice is usually called privacy lattice. Otherwise, it’s called the traditional lattice or garden lattice.

Smaller size cell keeps even smaller animals away.

Depending on materials, lattice panels come in many colors, with natural wood color, white and black being the most common and popular.

Lattice allows for under-deck air ventilation as is. With alternative solutions, you may need to install special air vents.


Pressure-treated Wood Lattice vs. Plastic Lattice – Pros and Cons

Depending on climate and proximity to the ground, you may get a different life out of the same lattice panels. Below are general pros and cons for wood and vinyl skirting panels.

Wood Pros:

  • Cheaper than plastic
  • Rot and pest resistant
  • Paintable
  • Doesn’t warp as it’s resistant to the damp (doesn’t draw moisture as much). Doesn’t expand or contract
  • Easier to mount with just a nail gun

Wood Cons:

  • Available in natural wood color only
  • Metal staples that hold together wood strips may get loose or disconnect with time
  • Not maintenance-free. Needs to be stained or painted or it will turn gray and decay sooner
  • Doesn’t last as long as plastic, but 15-20 years easily if re-stained regularly. Like any wood, it’ll eventually rot

Plastic Pros:

  • Rot and pest resistant
  • Easier to bend than a wood one
  • Made to mimic the look of wood
  • Available in many shades including white, green, and wood colors
  • Doesn’t require sealing to protect it from moisture
  • Easy to clean
  • Requires no maintenance
  • Long-lasting. Many panels come with lifetime warranties

Plastic Cons:

  • More expensive than wood
  • Paintable but only with a special primer
  • May warp if you do not allow for panel expansion. This can be avoided if properly framed.
  • Mildew and mold may grow on the surface (depending on the type of plastic)
  • Need to predrill holes to attach with screws. Nails are not recommended
  • May become brittle with time and harsh temperatures
  • Colors (except white) may fade away over time

As you can see, plastic lattice skirting requires a bit more work to install and higher initial costs but it will last longer, practically is maintenance-free, and offers many more color options.


Can You Paint the Plastic Lattice?

You can paint plastic lattice (PVC vinyl) but you need to use a special primer before you apply the paint spray otherwise, it’ll peel off. A better idea would be to get a lattice in the color that matches the one you want. Here’s one good tip on how to paint it.


How to Cut Lattice (plastic and wood)

Lattice panels are easy to cut, whether you choose vinyl or wood. It is possible to cut them with a fine-toothed hand saw, but a circular saw is the fastest and easiest method.

Cutting Lattice:

Whether you use a hand saw or a circular saw, a few preliminary steps will make your project go more smoothly. For best results, cut wood or plastic lattice using a small-toothed blade.

  1. Measure twice, cut once. A few things to remember when taking measurements:
    • Make sure the piece is squared if you plan to frame your lattice. You may need to cut the panel down to ensure it fits properly. For plastic, leave a 1/4″ gap on all sides to allow for natural expansion and contraction as the weather shifts.
    • If installing lattice on a slope, measure the grade and cut to accommodate.
    • A chalk line is a simple solution to indicate where you need to cut.
  2. Take out the staples before you cut. Check to make sure none are present along your cutting line. Popping these staples out will prevent them from damaging yourself or your blade as you cut. A small screwdriver will help you pop these staples out.
  3. Get an extra hand, if possible. Lattice is easiest to cut if you have a buddy to help you secure the panel as you cut. If you can’t find an extra pair of hands, ensure good support for the entire panel for the best results.
  4. Protect yourself with safety glasses.
  5. Place the ‘face side’ up when using a fine-toothed hand saw or reciprocating saw to make the cuts to prevent splintering. Place the ‘back side’ up when using a rotary saw. If you need to make a curved or angled cut, your best bet is a fine-toothed keyhole saw or a power jigsaw.
  6. Slow down when you approach the end of your cut. Lattice needs firm support to prevent panels from splitting or tearing.

Here’s a good guide from Home Depot on how to cut a 4 ft. x 8 ft. Garden Vinyl Lattice panel using a circular saw.

Home Depot guide to cutting a sheet of diamond vinyl lattice using circular saw with a small-toothed blade

The photo above shows a small-toothed circular saw used to cut across a sheet of diamond vinyl lattice. It is titled “Cutting Lattice” and describes the steps necessary.


Addressing Plastic Lattice Warping Issue

Warping is an important issue to mention right away. Though a plastic lattice skirt can last for a long time, it is prone to warping. So this must be addressed when installing it.

But first, let’s highlight one significant difference. When they say “plastic” lattice, it can mean two different materials – Vinyl PVC or High Density Polyethylene (HDPE). So before buying, you need to ask about the specifics. The name can also be misleading. Here’s one example where a panel is named “Vinyl Lattice” but is actually made from HDPE. Solid core vinyl lattice and hollow vinyl PVC lattice have minimal or no expansion/contraction. In contrast, according to lattice maker Permalatt, HDPE plastic lattice panels expand and contract due to shifts in weather at an expected rate of 1/16″ per foot of material. So on an 8 ft. panel, it’s 1/2″. Essentially, HDPE shrinks during the colder winter months and expands during the warm summer months. If the lattice is secured too tightly to the structure, this can cause damage. In the summer, this causes warping. In the winter, it can crack near the fasteners.

Let’s learn about some installation tips and methods that account for the warping.


How to Install Plastic Lattice

Most people don’t bother putting enough effort into attaching lattice to a wood deck. They don’t frame the panels, or they don’t consider accommodating for warping. They simply staple or hammer them to the wooden deck and stop there. In a few short years, they end up with what’s shown in the image below.

broken plastic lattice deck skirting

You want to avoid this – see the picture above – which shows broken plastic lattice deck skirting, it broke off the nails because of warping. Don’t use nails on plastic. Hammering into the vinyl can weaken the material and dent it, and the nail will not grant enough allowance to prevent warping and cracking from natural weather shifts. Also, don’t put screws in the center of the panel or all around the perimeter. If you do that you’re almost guaranteed the lattice will break off within a year even if you pre-drill holes.

There are two ways to construct your skirting to avoid damage from warping.

The simplest solution is to nail a 1″x2″ trim plank over the lattice into the wood only, allowing the panel to float freely.

The best solution is to frame your plastic lattice. Yes, it takes an extra effort and material to build a frame but it’s well worth it. The frame provides additional support to the material and reduces the risk of warping. You can create a simple DIY frame with pressure-treated lumber easily. Ensure the frame is 1/4″-1/2″ larger than the latticework to allow for expansion and contraction.

To learn about other methods of installing plastic lattice deck skirts, visit permalatt.com.

Wood lattice panels don’t have the warping issue. Here’s a nice guide on how to install wooden under deck skirting.


Framing Plastic Lattice Panels Using Moulding

Using plastic moldings (see an example below), it’s simple to frame a vinyl lattice skirt, but I would consult with the store specialists on warping before buying it. I would ask if the frame will expand/contract with the lattice within it. You want to know if such a permanently attached frame or fascia will cause warping.

An Idea on how plastic lattice panels can be framed

Example (see above) of lattice framing using Divider and Cap moldings.

The divider molding allows two panels to slide into its twin internal channels. The cap molding has a single channel and frames the lattice’s top, bottom, and exterior sides. The trim is affixed using screws secured into pre-drilled holes.

Here are great examples of lattice deck skirting design ideas. Let’s explore pictures of 40 beautiful installations, including some DIY projects.


Wood Lattice Skirting Ideas

Wood lattice skirting offers a classic look that’s simple to install and affordable.

Wood Lattice Skirting Ideas

This skirting design uses unframed wood lattice in a large diamond pattern on a taller deck. A gate is built into one side to allow access to the storage space below. Natural wood color adds earthy tones to this otherwise completely white home. Image: decks-docks.com. Love the white umbrellas and blueish grey roof. Note that they use hay instead of mulch which creates a very rural look.


White Vinyl Lattice Skirting Ideas

White Vinyl Lattice Deck Skirting Ideas

With crisp framing and small diamond cell panels, this white lattice provides an elegant and classic skirt for this raised deck. The small holes keep pests out, and the access door allows storage below the deck. Notice how the color of the skirt is matching the color of the window frames and deck railing.

Raised deck skirting idea with unframed large cell vinyl lattice

For an easy-to-install, affordable raised deck skirting idea, consider this unframed vinyl lattice. They used 4 ft. x 8 ft. White Garden Vinyl panels from Home Depot. The white color adds visual interest to this back deck design. Notice that the sides are left unenclosed. So this is a good example of using skirting for decorative purposes.

White large-cell garden lattice panels installed on grey color deck

Here’s another great example of using the same large-cell garden lattice panels. But this time it’s on the low deck of a vacation cabin. For lower decks, it’s economical to cut down wider panels in half the long way. White vinyl creates a classic look and secures the space below the deck.


Black Vinyl Lattice Skirting Ideas

Black Vinyl Lattice Deck Skirting Ideas

This raised deck gains a touch of modern elegance with a square cell black lattice that stands out dramatically against the wooden deck. Black creates a perfect backdrop when you want something easy to install that doesn’t demand attention. If you find it challenging to slide the trim pieces, shave the edges with a utility knife to ease on the cap. For colored panels, get matching screws for the best results.

Acurio Latticeworks Black Decorative Screens installed on wood deck

Not all vinyl is created equal. Higher-quality vinyl decorative lattice can come in diverse styles and offer better durability. The Acurio Latticeworks Black Decorative Screens shown above, come with a 12-year limited warranty to back their lightweight, UV stabilized, weather-resistant PVC.

Circular lattice deck skirting installation idea

Black lattice is often desired to blend seamlessly into the background. But you can also use it to create a dramatic design like this circular lattice deck skirting installation wrapping around a high deck, by Keystone Custom Decks. Vinyl, unlike wood, can be easily bent to follow curves. The only thing this creative design is missing is landscaping. Notice how the Redwood deck contrasts nicely with the black skirting.


Installing Lattice Under Stair Skirting

Lattice makes a perfect stair skirt. Check out these design ideas to see how you can improve your home’s curb appeal.

Under stair skirting ideas with PVC decorative panels

This beautiful under stair skirting design uses PVC decorative panels to dramatic effect. If you’re tired of straight lines then include some decorative pattern lattice for a change. Deck Remodelers completed this project.

Outdoor deck stairs is enclosed with white lattice skirting, with built in storage door

The space under these outdoor deck stairs is nicely enclosed with lattice for extra storage space.

It’s important to remember that under stairs storage requires proper ventilation; otherwise, you risk damp, moldy items. Lattice is naturally ventilating, making it a great choice to allow airflow while stopping pests. Metal mesh is another solution. Line the ground beneath your stair with heavy plastic sheeting for best results. And add a padlock to your gate to keep your items from walking off.

Porch under stair skirting idea using square cell heavy duty vinyl lattice panels

Lattice can add style to your front porch. Check out this under stair skirting idea for an example of using an affordable small square vinyl lattice to upgrade your curb appeal. One heavy-duty 4’x8′ panel was cut to a trapezoid shape to fit it under two symmetrical stairs.


Aluminum Lattice Understair Skirting Idea

Aluminum lattice skirting idea to conceal underside of a staircase

How do you board the bottom of stairs? The image above showcases how lattice can be used to conceal the underside of a staircase. This clean modern design utilizes Permalatt 1-inch square cell aluminum lattice in gloss white. Your spandrel is not going to look ugly anymore. What a clever idea!


Lattice Skirting for Ramps and Steps

Ideas for lattice skirting for ramps and steps

Lattice usage need not be limited to decks and stairs. The ramp on the image to the left features angled lattice trim to enhance its appearance with inexpensive garden lattice, like this 2 ft. x 8 ft. Pressure Treated Garden Wood Lattice.

Vinyl lattice creates an elegant touch in the image to the right by closing up steps and adding structure to a railing. Shown here is a 4 ft. x 8 ft. framed Nantucket Gray Privacy Diamond Vinyl Lattice.



Deck Skirting Alternatives to Lattice

If you’re wondering what to put under deck besides lattice, we have some great examples.

There is a vast range of beautiful deck skirting ideas other than lattice. It’s important to remember that some of these options require more effort to install and maintain than lattice. While wood and plastic lattices may break easily, they’re simple and relatively inexpensive to replace. Deck skirting alternatives like brick, faux stone, and metal require more investment and effort to fix. They are typically more expensive to install and may require more technical expertise or specialty tools. Once installed, these materials tend to be durable and easy to maintain.

The list below includes the best material for deck skirting such as galvanized metal skirting, expandable PVC trellis, faux stone, decorative metal, and polypropylene panels. We also discuss DIY ideas with composite skirting and cedar planking. All of these materials and ideas are suitable for both the backyard deck and the front porch.


Galvanized Metal Skirting

Deck skirting alternatives to lattice - galvanized metal skirting

Like the example above, galvanized metal skirting panels are an attractive and simple-to-install alternative. These panels can cut energy costs by keeping the heat in and preventing animals from getting under your deck. They form a sturdy wind barrier. And they can be removed and reused. If you plan to use your underdeck space as storage, they create a highly secure space. Remember to include a ventilation system, especially if you pair solid panels like these with wooden decking. Shown here is a 28-in x 5-ft Galvanized Metal Skirting Panel.

Usually made from steel, these durable panels are easy to attach to a wooden deck using screws, nails or pop rivets. Depending on how your deck is constructed, you may need to build a simple wooden frame first, and attach your metal skirting to it.

As a quick tip, choosing screws over nails would guarantee a more stable installation. Screws resist the seasonal contraction and expansion of metal skirting. Nails, in contrast, can be forced outward. The galvanized screws would be your perfect choice, to match the skirt color and resist the elements.


Faux Stone

Lattice alternatives idea - faux stone panels

This lattice alternative uses faux stack stone panels to create the impression of a much more expensive finished skirting around your deck. They are lightweight and easy to install because they are made of polyurethane. The panels are easy to cut with a skill saw or hand saw. You overlap the edges for a seamless installation and screw them in with a bit of adhesive to ensure they stay put. Shown here is Ledge Stone Polyurethane Interlocking Siding Panel in Volcanic Ash.


Cedar Skirting

Lattice skirting alternatives idea - Cedar skirting

Cedar is naturally pest and weather-resistant wood that can create beautiful skirting, as with the paneled planking above. Cedar skirting can be stained to reveal its natural beauty or painted to match a home’s design and trim. This design idea is by American Porch.


Artificial Expandable PVC Trellis

Lattice skirting alternatives - artificial PVC trellis

Incredibly easy to install, this expandable plastic trellis can be hung with cable ties and create the impression of a verdant garden that requires no maintenance. Constructed of PVC, it’s both durable and easy to clean. The expandable trellis shown above includes faux Gardenia leaves for quick, super simple under-deck skirting that will lend a garden flair. Don’t forget to check out the way the leaves are laying before installation. They can be easily adjusted in all directions.


Outdoor Decorative Metal Panels

Garden Studio by Laura Grams created this elevated deck skirting using Parasoleil panels

You can create stunning backyard spaces with decorative metal panels like those pictured above. These panels create a memorable backdrop while skirting this elevated deck and staircase. An outdoor fabric lining and backlighting enhance their dramatic effect. The panels are by Parasoleil. The pattern chosen on the panels is Flanigan. This elegant deck skirt design is from Garden Studio by Laura Grams.


Outdoor Decorative Polypropylene Panels

Outdoor decorative Polypropylene panel skirting ideas

These tall decks get a modern twist on underdeck skirting with simple to install polypropylene decorative screens available in a wide array of colors and designs.


Composite Deck Skirting Ideas

DIY composite deck skirting ideas with a hinged door design

Composite decking provides a lot of alternatives to lattice skirting. They are durable, easy to maintain, cut, and install; they make an attractive alternative to a traditional lattice. The initial cost of materials and installation will be higher, but they’ll last longer.

The pictures above and below offer some composite deck skirting ideas. Above, you see an example of a DIY installation of deck skirting, fascia, and a storage access door. All were built using solid composite wood boards. See the complete installation guide at decks.com.

One way to make a shorter deck appear taller is by installing vertical decking boards. You can even install lattice behind it for classic style and better pest protection. Installing the boards horizontally will suit those aiming for a more rustic look.

The photo below shows how combining a fascia with composite deck boards creates refined and simple DIY porch skirting.

The fascia provides coverage for the edge of the deck and the supporting joists. You can match the fascia to your decking material, and if you are building both the deck and the skirt simultaneously, it’s easy to ensure the whole project uses the same finish.

You may also want a contrasting look to your fascia. If so, consider cellular PVC. Available in both boards and sheets, cellular PVC comes in various textures. Usually white, cellular PVC is paintable, unlike vinyl, but offers the same durability and low maintenance.

When framing the supports for the composite skirting, don’t anchor the bottom support to the ground. Instead, affix it to the leg supports and leave clearance for the natural shifting of the earth due to seasonal temperature changes. Remember to leave gaps between the boards to allow ventilation to prevent mold and rot from damaging your decking material. Otherwise, remember to install a ventilation system to ensure good airflow.

Even if you don’t plan to use the underdeck area for storage right away, it’s good to include an access point, like a door or gate, when installing your skirting. You may need to access the space, and it’s much easier to open a door than uninstall your skirting.

For more ideas and info, visit decks.com.

Video showing building weather resistant skirting from composite materials

Learn more about creating weather-resistant skirting using composite materials in this video.

Anne Gronningsater from Inner Works Construction explains how using composite materials can prevent rotting porch skirts.


Deck Skirting Ideas for Uneven Ground

Uneven ground deck skirt installation ideas

Shown above (on the left) is an uneven ground deck skirting installation that includes unframed wood diamond lattice panels. These panels provide access to under the deck storage. As you can see, it’s easy to cut wood lattice to fit the unevenness of a land surface. They used 4 ft. x 8 ft. Pressure Treated Garden Wood Lattice with a 2.5″ grid opening.

With wood lattice panels like these, it’s a good idea to pre-drill your holes during installation as the wood lathes tend to split if you drive screws straight into them.
The skirting design idea shown on the right uses a vinyl square lattice to enclose a space under an elevated deck built on a steep slope.

A DIY example of fencing boards deck skirting ideas for uneven ground or a slope
Image and info

The picture above shows fencing boards deck skirting on a slope. The design uses Redwood boards. The image clearly shows how the builders cut the planks to fit the slope’s curve.

The skirting uses the same color boards used to finish the deck. Use a 2×4 board affixed to the posts with a 2″ gap to the ground to help secure the boards and prevent animals from getting underneath the deck. Allow the skirting boards to overhang – cut them to create a 1/2″ of ground clearance.


Elevated Deck Skirting Ideas

A tall deck offers a lot of options. As shown below, raised deck skirting ideas include using different panels for a dramatic impact. It’s important to note that you need to frame panels used beneath an elevated deck to provide extra support to the otherwise flimsy latticework.

With a high deck, you can include built-in features like the alcove created to house the wicker loveseat shown here.

Elevated Deck Skirting Ideas with white decorative lattice panels

Keystone Custom Decks created this beautiful deck and its custom latticework.

They used both decorative floral and square white PVC lattice panels from Acurio Latticeworks to create this look. Acurio lattice can be used both indoors and outdoors. It’s made of lightweight PVC and is UV-stabilized and weather-resistant.

Tall Deck Skirting Ideas with black decorative panels

Split panels of black decorative floral lattice and square lattice create beautiful skirting (see image above). This elevated porch design includes twin doors for easily accessible under porch storage. Acurio Latticeworks was also used to create this stunning installation.

High Deck Skirting Idea with black square lattice

Black square lattice can create a dramatic contrast with composite wood decking, like this high deck under skirt design by Deck Remodelers.

Vertical Deck Skirting Design Ideas

The following vertical deck skirting ideas create attractive designs that work with modern and classic architecture. Plus, it’s easy to address uneven ground with vertical skirting.

Vertical Skirting Design Ideas

This vertical design (image above) shows how to use composite wood to create a clean line even with uneven ground below your deck. The deck and the skirt are done using the same material throughout.

Pallet wood deck skirting idea

This clever and resourceful example of pallet deck skirting ideas (see photo above) uses pallet boards to create an attractive under deck enclosure. It’s easy to add an access gate for added storage. When the gate is closed, the vertical type installation helps to keep the overall design uniform.

Vertical deck skirting idea by The Faulkner Group, in pressure-treated pine

Built by The Faulkner Group, this custom-built Woodland Oil stained deck likely uses pressure-treated, weather-resistant lumber to create this classically elegant vertical deck skirting. The skirting design includes a small access door that opens up vertically, with hinges attached to the top fascia board. The skirt is constructed by mounting vertical planks to two – top and bottom –  horizontal boards. The vertical planks are evenly spread with about a 1-inch gap between them, allowing for under-deck ventilation. See more images of this deck design on Houzz.com


Horizontal Deck Skirting Ideas

Looking for skirting with a more rustic appeal? Check out these horizontal deck skirting ideas.

DIY horizontal deck skirting ideas

This gorgeous DIY horizontal skirting idea doesn’t just result in a beautiful high deck design. It also walks you through how to create a waterproof ceiling beneath your deck so you can use the space for storage without fear of water damage. The lumber used is pressure-treated ground contact southern pine. This elevated deck is high enough to attach two tall climbing vine trellises to the skirt. See detail at cravingsomecreativity.com.

Horizontal porch skirting idea with under-deck access door

Above is a horizontal porch skirting idea by ARCA Construction. It’s an attractive shiplap style skirting design with a built-in full-height access door. Using the horizontal design they were able to install it over the slope. To allow under the porch air to ventilate, small gaps were left between the planks.

Great DIY horizontal deck skirting idea with faux stone columns

Here’s another awesome horizontal deck skirting idea, described in detail at UpFromTheAshes. This can be a great DIY idea. They paired faux stone columns with horizontally installed wood planks, creating an attractive porch design. You can clearly see how planks were trimmed to place them over uneven ground.


Animal Proof Deck Skirting

Animal proof deck skirting ideas with metal bars

Sometimes you need something more robust than lattice to keep animals out. If your primary goal is to keep out determined critters, the Cornwell Dog Pen or Dig Defence may be the best idea. This skirting is easy to install and humane to use. Solid and narrow bars made of galvanized metal prevent even determined wildlife from sneaking past. Durable and weather-resistant, they provide a lasting solution to damaging pests like skunks, raccoons, and squirrels.

For best results, bury wire mesh beneath this skirting so animals cannot dig in under it. The mesh should extend 8″-12″ below the ground and create an “L” shape. The bottom edge should extend outward away from the deck. This technique is known as deck trenching and helps keep out even the savviest burrowers.


Low Deck Skirting Ideas

Even if you have a low deck, you can still benefit from skirting. Installing such panels is often easier than with tall decks, as the skirting panels do not require framing. Though it still creates added durability and a cleaner look if you choose to frame your skirting.

Low Deck Skirting Ideas with Polypropylene decorative screens

These weather-resistant and easy-to-install polypropylene decorative panels create an attractive alternative skirting for a low deck. Polypropylene panels resist rot, warping, splitting, scratching, and discoloration and remain stable even in harsh climates for enduring appeal. Shown here is the Freedom 1-in x 48-in x 2-ft Morse Clay Polypropylene Decorative Screen Panel.


Under the Front Porch Skirting Ideas

Whether you are looking to enhance the appearance of your front porch or your back porch, these ideas offer plenty of inspiration. Typically, you want a more decorative solution for porch skirting than you would for deck skirting. You’ll find a number of simple ways to enhance your home’s appeal below.

Under the Front Porch skirting ideas

A simple touch can add a lot of visual appeal, as with these diamond shaped holes cut into the horizontal wood skirting shown above. The above project is by The Porch Company.

Porch skirting idea from Porch Company, with diamond cutouts

Here’s another porch skirting idea from porchco.com. The photo above shows how simple elements like diamond cut-outs, black hardware, and framing can create a sense of handcrafted beauty on this white vertical board skirting beneath the screened-in porch.

Front porch skirting idea with white horizontal boards

White horizontal boards with external supports create classic, clean lines on this front porch skirting design from The Porch Company.

DIY wood skirt design for a front porch

If you feel particularly ambitious and want something that will truly stand out, consider this unique DIY skirting project that uses brick-encased pillars and stained wood vertical slats to create a stunning front porch skirt. Learn more about the process of making it at BobbleHeadBaby.

About Joe Hats 204 Articles
Joe Hats is the founder of FreshPatio.com. Joe has been remodeling homes since 1997 when he bought his first fixer-upper. He has built many pieces of indoor and outdoor furniture with his own hands and has every DIY woodworking tool in his possession. Coming from an engineering background, he has designed and built many patio fixture plans. Following his wife's lead, he is also very passionate about home decor and together they keep track of the latest trends. When he is not remodeling or trying a new woodworking tool, he is busy gardening or designing a new outdoor plan.