Topiary Design in Fun Animal Shapes

As an avid gardener I am one of the many who loves the look of topiaries from a distance. That’s because most of us don’t have the time or the inclination to create a topiary in our own garden unless we have a staff of gardeners. That being said topiary design can be an abstract, a geometric or a realistic shape. I for one am drawn to fun animal shapes. Animal shaped topiaries run the gamut of domestic to exotic, land based to air or water based but one thing any animal shaped topiary has is a sense of whimsy and fun.

Horse shapes topiary

Some of the best places to see a topiary in fun animal shapes is a botanical garden and the photo above is a gorgeous example located in Montreal, Canada at the 2013 International Mosaiculture Exhibition. My Virtual Garden

Topiary Cats and Dogs

small dog topiary

Small topiaries can be managed in a small garden and with the help of topiary cages, the overall shape is predetermined making the least artistic person able to create a fun animal shaped topiary. There is even dog breed topiary cages available allowing you to bring to green life the dog breed of your own choosing, such as this Scottie perched in a planter at Black Barn Farm.

cat topiary

This cute kitty topiary has been embellished with a pair of golden eyes to really bring it to life. I’m guessing it’s a tabby by the variety of leaf shapes and colors. Source

small cat topiary

This feline creation doesn’t sport a pair of golden eyes but has instead a set of purr-fectly groomed whiskers. Progressive Charlestown

topiary animal shapes

While most topiary design is created using tight leaved box or small plants such as sedums, this shaggy dog sports a coat of long haired grass that makes him look uber realistic.

canine topiary shape

While topiary design is usually created to make a singular statement, in this case the topiary pooch is part of an overall story. You just know this boxwood canine has sniffed out the hiding place of a small critter. Black Barn Farm

Farm Animals captured in Topiary Design

rabbit topiary is a popular in Europe

Did you know that rabbit topiary is a popular in Europe? This cute bunny sits in a pot as though it is peering over the box hedge that frames a bed of beautiful flowers, or in the case of the rabbit, yummy tasting bunny food. Multivasos

cattle topiaries in Texas

Nothing says farm more than horses and cattle and when they are free to wander and mingle together like these topiaries you know the farm animals are happy. This topiary vignette is located at a nursery in Houston, Texas.

Goat is a such fun topiary

Goats are such fun creatures. Smart and mischievous they are known for their antics. I had a goat jump into my Suburban once, I don’t think this goat could do that. My Virtual Garden

fun pigs topiaries

I knew some pigs could get big but I don’t think they can get this big! I love the casual layout of this topiary vignette, it seems so peaceful. Angry Boar

funny long ears bunny topiary

This is such a tiny garden area but the homeowners still managed to make a big statement with this adorable rabbit. Don’t you just love his floppy ears?

Birds of a Feather Topiary Together

topiaries of chickens

Chickens are now allowed in many cities, including mine but if your city does no allow them, you can always have a chicken topiary or two. Source

crane topiaries would look so cool next to a small pond

These stunning crane topiaries would look so cool next to a small pond, especially one with gold fish in it.

boxwood bird topiary

To create a boxwood topiary it is best to start in the early summer or late spring and if you like the look of these birds, there are some instructions here.

owl topiary

There is something magical about an owl up high in a tree looking down at you and even though this topiary owl isn’t perched near the top of a tree, it is still pretty magical. Animal Topiaries

penguins in pretty cool shapes

When I say these penguins are pretty cool, I am not referring to their habitat, I am referring to their topiary design. Gorgeous Chinese Topiary Gardens

Fish Topiary to Swim Through a Garden

giant fish topiary in a garden

I love fish art incorporated into gardens so it stands to reason that I love this fish topiary, and I do! Mail Online

Reptile Topiary Design

frog topiary in a pond

All lily ponds need a frog right? This lily pond has a really big frog keeping its eyes open for a flying wiggly jiggly to land on the lily’s leaves. My Virtual Garden

Small topiary design looks fantastic

Small topiary design looks fantastic when created with sedums as this turtle clearly showcases. This is a DIY topiary created with an upside down wire flower basket and chicken wire. The Whoot

succulents topiary

Just like the turtle this lizard topiary is made with succulents – 100s of Echeveria Imbricata to be exact. To keep it well drained it has been placed on a berm that follows its curvy body. I love this! State by State Gardening

iguana topiary on a tree

At first glance this iguana topiary seems to be defying gravity but on second glance the tail on the ground gives away its not so precarious perch. Relaks Minda

Wild Animals make Wild Topiaries

Wild animals shapes

Bears might be wild but they seem to be showing up in a lot of backyards – and I don’t mean like this topiary, I mean real bears. Angry Boar

Bison shape

Bison are big animals and I think the only ones I would like to see up close are the ones made from plants, like the above photo. Garden Design

Exotic Animals for Exotic Topiary Design

exotic animal topiary

How cute is this mini boxwood elephant? It even has its own patch of moss with a topiary ball to play with. Black Barn Farm

10 foot topiary giraffe

Someone had a sense of humor. This 10 foot topiary giraffe was located in Boughton Lees, Kent, England. Sadly vandals decapitated it. The Telegraph

life sized topiary elephants

Not all topiary elephants are miniature, these ones are life sized and just like the grouping of pigs above, these elephant topiaries look so natural in their poses. Angry Boar

Lemur topiaries

Hah! Ring Tailed Lemur topiaries – how awesome. Tails held high, eyes big and round they are definitely guarding the ground they reside in. Did you know the Ring Tailed Lemur is the most intelligent of all the Lemur species? What a great topiary to end with. Outdoor Areas

About Joe Hats 203 Articles
Joe Hats is the founder of Joe has been remodeling homes since 1997 when he bought his first fixer-upper. He has built many pieces of indoor and outdoor furniture with his own hands and has every DIY woodworking tool in his possession. Coming from an engineering background, he has designed and built many patio fixture plans. Following his wife's lead, he is also very passionate about home decor and together they keep track of the latest trends. When he is not remodeling or trying a new woodworking tool, he is busy gardening or designing a new outdoor plan.