Artistic Water Fountain Sculptures by Malgorzata Chodakowska: unbelievable works in bronze

These are the most artistic water fountain sculptures we have ever seen. These unbelievable bronze garden sculptures by Malgorzata Chodakowska spring to life when you turn on the water. Born in Poland, this talented artist lives and works in Dresden Germany. Can’t you just picture some of these artistic sculptures in your garden? We can’t decide which is our favorite fountain design – the Medusa in the foreground below, tossing her hair – or the angel with the water wings. But the ballerina is pretty cool, too. So is the young boy with the paper hat. Ahhh, they’re all pretty cool when it comes right down to it.

Małgorzata Chodakowska Water Fountains as Art

Malgorzata Chodakowska’s artistic water fountains have been exhibited in Russia, Poland, Denmark, Austria and Japan. She has been the recipient of numerous awards and international prizes. Why are we not surprised? Source

Kleine Ballerina Water Fountain Sculpture

This bronze ballerina water fountain is absolutely spectacular

Malgorzata Chodakowska’s bronze ballerina water fountain sculpture is one of our favorite designs. Where does she get these artistic ideas? Source

Water Fountains as art - this bronze sculpture is brilliant

Same ballerina – different water flow. Amazing how you can change the tone of the piece by changing the water stream. These fountains truly are hybrid art, no?

Angel Water Fountain Sculpture

Małgorzata Chodakowska outdoor angel water fountains

We think Malgorzata’s angel is one of her most creative works. It’s simply mesmerizing how she can direct the water to take a shape. And the look of calm on the angel’s face – it’s all so visually pleasing. These are water fountains where the water itself becomes part of the art. Source

Małgorzata Chodakowska outdoor angel water fountains

Spread your wings and fly.  Source

Frau mit Faecher Water Fountain Sculpture

Małgorzata Chodakowska Fan shaped water fountain

This is another very artistic fountain sculpture. You’ll have people who just stop and stare in your garden. Source

Springbrunnen Water Fountain Sculpture

Huck Finn Water Sculpture fountain

We love this young fellow with is paper hat. Malgorzata Chodakowska creates works that don’t just sit there – they are stories in motion. There’s a bit of Huck Finn to this guy, we think. Source

Sailing a paper hat bronze water fountain

Imagine coming across this stunning fountain in the garden. Source

Ueberfluss Water Fountain Sculpture

African woman bronze water fountain

A simple piece but with striking motion. You could even use this artistic sculpture as an indoor fountain. Source

Brunnen Water Fountain Sculpture

Medusa hair bronze water fountain

One of our favorite fountain designs of all time. Haven’t most of us (with long hair) tossed it like this after a shower? What a great idea. Source

Medusa hair bronze water fountain

The artistic talent is so evident in every inch of her sculptures. Source

Małgorzata Chodakowska hair art fountain

Małgorzata Chodakowska hair art fountain - head detail

This really is one of the best choices for your garden. Her wild hair is a perfect water fountain. And she looks so wild standing in the greenery like that. Don’t you want one? Source

Malgorzata Chodakowska – the new must-have-sculptor in water fountain art for the garden. Visit her website, and tell her Fresh Patio sent you.

About Joe Hats 204 Articles
Joe Hats is the founder of Joe has been remodeling homes since 1997 when he bought his first fixer-upper. He has built many pieces of indoor and outdoor furniture with his own hands and has every DIY woodworking tool in his possession. Coming from an engineering background, he has designed and built many patio fixture plans. Following his wife's lead, he is also very passionate about home decor and together they keep track of the latest trends. When he is not remodeling or trying a new woodworking tool, he is busy gardening or designing a new outdoor plan.