Upcycled flowerpot ideas are everywhere. The largest part of being able to see it is keeping your eyes, and your mind, open to possible containers to use. You need to look at things in a different way. A rusted bike becomes a flowerpot (sculpture, almost). And old Radio Flyer has rusted through parts of the bed, so turn it into a flower pot – you have perfect drainage.
Play a game with yourself. Spend one day noticing things around the outside of your house or in the garage. Things you could upcycle into flowerpots and planters. Upcycling is the new recycling, by the way. You’re giving a second life to something, something that has already been manufactured. Good environmental karma points and more than that – really unique and attractive flowerpots and planters. Here are some inspirational ideas for you below.
Upcycle Your Old Colorful Tins
These contemporary tins are easy to turn into flowerpots. They look great ganged together like this, don’t they? Source
Here’s a simple idea – always buy your olive oil in colorful tins. That way, you’ll have the tin left over when the oil is gone. And you can turn it into a beautiful upcycled flower pot with little effort. Just poke holes in the bottom (use a screwdriver), fill with dirt and add your plant. Source
Your local Italian eatery may be willing to save these tins for you. And you can ask friends and neighbors. They make a great flowerpots for a stairway herb garden. Source
Upcyling flowerpots can be as simple as filling old tins with the right kind of plant. Source
Wine Bottle Corks can be DIY-ed into Pots
And you wondered what you’d ever do with all those wine bottle corks. Turn them into flowerpots – it’s relatively easy. Source
A plain window box becomes an interesting planter when you upcycle using wine bottle corks. Source
These magnetic corks are such cute mini flowerpots. What a lovely garden party favor they would make. Perfect for a Summer Solstice party. Source
Wine cork mini flowerpots are a cinch to make – be sure to use a succulent plant. Source
This is a supersized hanging flowerpot made from wine bottle corks. A big project but spectacular. Source
Mason Jars & Muffin Tins are Perfect for Upcycling
Those mason jars. When they aren’t upcycled as solar lights, they’re parading around as flowerpots. Versatile. Source
These would look great hanging on the cottage porch wall. Be sure to notice the hooks – they’re upcycled spoons. Source
More mason jars upcycled as flower pots. So many variations – mason jars are a decor trend these days. Source
We couldn’t resist the muffin tin turned flowerpot. Great for outdoors – especially if it’s already a little old and rusty. Source
Upcycled Terra Cotta Pot Ideas
These flowerpots have merely been added to – a hurricane globe and a candle. What a clever idea. Source
Chalkboard paint is a great way to upcycle flowerpots for herbs. Source
Use upcycled flowerpots as your address markers – a novel idea. Source
Been collecting shells on your vacation? Upcycle them into a flowerpot. Source
Is there a kitter in the family? Knit a sleeve for a creative flowerpot. Source
Turn Broken Pots into Flowerpots
What a smart flowerpot idea – bury broken pots below the break. Source
Broken pots make killer mini gardens and fairy gardens. Source
Use broken pieces to create spilled flower pots.
More Creative Upcycled Flowerpot Ideas
These hats are a great upcycled idea. There’s nothing old hat about this. Source
Old logs and pieces of driftwood, hollowed out, are simple flowerpot ideas. Source
You can go even further than the just a flowerpot – upcycle a claw foot bathtub to a water garden. Source
This birdcage filled with succulents is a charming pot idea. Source
Wrapping rope, or twine, around flowerpots or tins is a super easy idea to upcycle your old pots. Source
A no fuss upcycled flowerpot idea – stick a plant inside a seashell. Source
Use old purses along a fence for a really creative flowerpot idea. Source
This picture frame planter can be placed on a stump or tabletop – or on the wall. Source
An old wine crate makes a funky herb garden planter. Source
Aren’t these teapots lovely on this stairway? Source
Even shiny tin cans can be upcycled flowerpots.
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